The billion dollar annual revenue projection a severance tax is highly unlikely, particularly, with gas prices being where they are currently. This billion dollar number is just an estimate and not realistic. I continue to be very concerned that any severance tax in PA will harm the natural gas industry. This will result in a loss of jobs. We need more manufacturing, not less.
Loss of impact fees a concern for Local Officials Washington County officials express concern in this article about the loss of impact fees if Pennsylvania adopts a severance tax. These impact fees are needed by local government and this program must continue.
MSC Issues strong statement opposing severance tax
The Marcellus Shale Coalition issues a strong statement opposing the proposed severance tax.
Support for natural gas tax declines when tied to job losses
It is very important to talk about employment and job losses when there is any discussion about a severance tax in Pennsylvania. We need natural gas jobs and the potential for additional manufacturing from natural gas development in Pennsylvania.